The founder of The Playful Work Company is Professor Mark Dodgson. The focus of Mark’s work over the past 35 years has been studying and improving company strategies and government policies for innovation. His ideas, work and networks help companies and governments to improve their innovation performance. Mark has been a Director of the Think Play Do Group, a London-based innovation consulting, training and software company, Non-Executive Director of Nestle Australia Ltd and Behaviour Innovation Pty, a member of the Advisory Board of Thiess Pty Ltd, and an advisor to Evidn.
Services that The Playful Work Company offers includes:
Consultancy projects:
Advising clients on innovation leadership and strategy.
Strong focus on implementation of innovation strategy for sustained results.
Corporate presentations:
On innovation strategies, leadership and culture, including the need to include more play at work.
These can be one-off sessions with Boards, senior leadership teams, or general managers, or structured learning programmes over several weeks.
Speech writing:
On innovation for CEOs.