
The Playful Entrepreneur

This book introduces the notion of the Playful Entrepreneur and how they provide a new way of thinking about work today. Available here.


Think, play, do

This book is about how play connects thinking and doing in the innovation process. Play here is about prototyping, testing and tinkering with ideas, often aided by digital technologies we call Innovation Technology. Available here.

Think, Play, Do: Technology, Innovation and Organization. M. Dodgson, D. Gann, A. Salter. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. (Translated into Japanese, Kayo Sheba Publishers, 2007) 


Other books

Professor Mark Dodgson has written many more books on the topic of innovation. Click here to view his other publications.


Innovation and Play

Play - The New Tool for Corporate Survival

  • Mark Dodgson (2017) Momentum Magazine